Let´s go ALL IN!
Insider Learnings of a Painfully-Successful Post-Merger Integration
Mergers and company takeovers are a Herculean task for everyone involved. DAY 1” marks the launch of a new company. What can managers and employees do to write a success story? The presentation includes learnings, perspectives, and personal stories of mergers in which the speaker was involved. And it shares concrete success factors as “keepers” that can hardly be found in a post-merger integration (PMI) handbook. They should become part of the DNA of teams seeking PMI success.
- Decision – Am I committed to go “ALL IN”?
- Success Factor Network – Why a new organizational chart is not enough
- Value – Why we need to know what is important to us and our customers
- Insider Tips – How to surely screw up your company merger
- Self-Leadership – How to navigate resiliently through times of turbulence
Presentation time: 30 – 60 minutes
Presentation language: English or German
Every audience and every event is unique. Therefore, the title, content and core messages of the keynote will be tailored to your specific objectives after a detailed discussion with you.